Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I just walked 500 miles.

Sometimes I don't look forward to walking across campus to the student center - now I walk across the city to get to campus! You have to leave 30 minutes before class in order to get there just on time... and to get downtown you need to allow yourself about 20+ minutes. But the walk is beautiful and I'm in Ireland and there is nothing to truly complain about!

NUIG was founded in 1845 as Queen’s College, Galway. In 1908 the Irish Universities Act made the college a constituent college of the new National University of Ireland, and under a new charter the name of the college was changed to the University College, Galway. Since a third times a charm, in 1997 the college changed its name what now is currently known as the National University of Ireland, Galway. NUIG is one of Ireland’s most popular and prestigious centers for higher education. NUIG is located about five minutes from city center and stretches along the River Corrib.

A little back way from school to downtown takes me right past this church! It's a beautiful sight and directly across from the river!

This is one of the many pictures of Shoppe Street! It's where it's at, let me tell you. On this street is ALL the good stores, cafes, restaurants, pubs, and street performers! Every time you walk down the street there is constantly crazy performances and people just enjoying life. I envy those who are just walking around chatting on a Tuesday afternoon. One thing I've learned that the warmest time of the day (if it's not raining) is 3-5pm! 

It's strange honestly. You're told it rains constantly here. Allow me to clarify! Yes, it does rain everyday. But only for 10 minutes and it's a spitting mist rather than solid rain drops. We've become such locals that it doesn't even phase us anymore. [Maybe a little.] I've stopped wearing my yellow rain coat as much and you learn to do your hair accordingly. 

The King's Head is a local pub that is well known amoung all in Ireland! What cracks me up about this photo is the waitress who made an appearance on the right. Gotta love 'dem locals!

This is my group of fellow ISA travelers. Dermott and Mark (our ISA leaders) took us on a walking tour of Galway, little did I know that we would walk the perimeter of the town. Here we posed under the Spanish Archway by the Galway Bay. The Spanish Arch is originally an extension of the city wall from Martin's Tower to the bank of the Corrib, as a measure to protect the city's quays, which were located in the area once known as the Fish Market (now Spanish Parade). It is a beautiful sight!

This is the Galway Bay! The tide is extremely low
 right now, but it is still beautiful.

Speechless. Just breath taking.

Another view of the bay. Plus, the recognizable
colorful buildings in the back!

After the tour of the campus and of the city the crew posed for one final picture before classes begin!!

All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to be sharing in on this experience. We were talking yesterday and today about how crazy it is that we've only each other for a couple days but we're best friends. All of us share in on classes and notes - we go out to dinner with everyone - we tell each other everything. This is a pretty special thing and I'm just SO glad that it is these kiddos I get to share every silly, crazy, adventurous moment with!

"You're sitting next to your best friend, that you just haven't met yet." -Dermott Henry, Galway ISA leader

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